The City of Eastman is accepting applications for two open positions on the Planning & Zoning Board, one for District 2 and one for District 5. Applicants must be residents of those districts. Board Members receive a small compensation for their time. If interested, please complete and return the application posted online: https://cityofeastman.com/Assets/Files/PlanningZoningBoardApplication.pdf
Printed applications are also available at the front desk in Eastman City Hall, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
The Planning and Zoning Board’s main roles and responsibilities include:
- Upholding the regulations for each zoning district adopted in the city’s ordinances.
- Acting as an agent of the City Council in order to receive all petitions requesting any change in zoning.
- Advertising any petition for zoning and hold a public hearing.
- Facilitating and coordinating citizen engagement and participation in the planning process.
- Reviewing applications for zoning, variances and special exceptions while reserving the right to accept or deny any petition.
- Making recommendations to the City Council for approval or denial.
- Proposing and reviewing proposed amendments to the Zoning By-Laws.
- Upholding and implementing the vision and objectives of the Board.
Original source can be found here.