
Central Georgia News

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Hancock County - Precinct 4B issued 142 absentee ballots in the general election

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Hancock County - Precinct 4B issued 142 absentee ballots in the general election, according to the Georgia Secretary of State.

According to Election Administration and Voting Survey, out of 33.5 million mail ballots submitted in the 2016 general election, 400,000 of them were not counted for various reasons.

With a record number of 65 million mail ballots in the 2020 general election, some votes may not be counted due to missed deadlines and incorrect or missing signatures, according to Pew Research Center.

These are the names of Hancock County - Precinct 4B voters who requested an absentee ballot and the status of their ballot.

Absentee Ballot Voters
Voter IDNameYear of BirthAddressStatus of Ballot
2223095Bryan Eugene MacKlin19672914 Hitchcock Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
4213486Calvin Justice19633021 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087-7429Accepted
4705530Cheyenne Dakota Dixon19801102 H B Dixon Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
1968533Manuel Camilo Gomez19461682 H B Dixon Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
5567670Adolphus Justice Jr.19573021 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087-7429Accepted
2223791Milton Trawick19563023 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087-7429Accepted
2223029Eunice Lewis Dixon19281196 H B Dixon Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
4328745Betty Jean Young19632365 Trawick Road, Milledgeville 31061Accepted
3699599Doris Garland19381670 Ridge Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223184Yvonne Young Warren19523219 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087-7433Canceled
5493299Monica L. Poole198413121 Linton Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223047William Terrell Garland19419984 Cody Johnson Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223019Cager Edward Davis19565530 Friendship Nebo Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2222118Walter Ransom Jr.1954503 Tucker Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
6163408Alicia Lashea Davis19855530 Friendship Nebo Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
1735854Robert Patterson Henry19524956 Balerma Church Road, Sparta 31087Canceled
2222708Alonzo Butts19632333 Butts Road, Milledgeville 31061Accepted
2222717Claude Harper Sr.19372443 Butts Road, Milledgeville 31061Accepted
1101170Trisha Lynn McNair19751589 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087-9256Canceled
6625461Khadija Lashell Hill19875395 Beulah Highway, Milledgeville 31061Accepted
2222545Donald Alonzo Jones19644912 Beulah Highway, Milledgeville 31061-0110Accepted
3349528Margaret Anne Trawick193312871 Linton Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223173Gladys Holsey Lamar19563173 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087-7431Accepted
10744922Quinton Terrel Watts19981060 Hitchcock Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
6304376Jacquelyn Harper19642443 Butts Road, Milledgeville 31061Accepted
8394316Cornelia Lois Gomez19481682 H B Dixon Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2221040Arthur Lee Lewis19622858 Hitchcock Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2220939Carnetha Latrell Carswell197115285 Linton Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
3448540Janice Barnes Reeves196175 Beulah Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087-9500Accepted
7404761Isaiah Ali Brown1989363 Beulah Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
7564638Walter L. Osborne194212834 Linton Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2222184Rubie Estell Hargrove19519638 Linton Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223135Mary Simmons Poole194515105 Linton Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224888Geraldine Barnes Dixon19541102 H B Dixon Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224693Sydney Trawick194912785 Linton Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
10259532Phillip Bernard Watts Jr.19931060 Hitchcock Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
6163526William Oates Walker19521401 Dixon Road, Milledgeville 31061Accepted
5707009Amanda Barnes1964104 Kings Way, Sparta 31087Canceled
2223787Thomas William Frazier19484740 Balerma Church Road, Sparta 31087Canceled
6362270Geraldine Warthens Barnes195181 Kings Way, Sparta 31087Canceled
5354545Tommy Lee Garland194213546 Linton Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223062Jimmie Lee Hargrove19519638 Linton Road, Sparta 31087Canceled
2222500Catherine Williams Harper19422443 Butts Road, Milledgeville 31061Accepted
1721371Judy Chandler Hughes19491401 Dixon Road, Milledgeville 31061Accepted
3144141John Sidney Cox1947951 Tucker Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
8419442Carlton Darell Tucker1993363 Beulah Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087-9507Accepted
7444371Robbie Mae Poole19582769 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223133Wesley Poole Jr.193915085 Linton Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
11738674Michael Vincent Morrelli19521656 Hitchcock Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087Canceled
2222753Debra Butts19665593 Beulah Highway, Milledgeville 31061Accepted
6609237Chanerica Thomas Barnes19871921 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223175Gertrude Horne Trawick192712785 Linton Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
4537264Roger Young Jr.1955211 Young Road, Milledgeville 31061Accepted
7729825Kammeon Octavious Holsey19902893 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087-7571Accepted
2216438Nettie Patterson Swint1966261 Beulah Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087-9505Accepted
11903180Nicolas Enrique Agreda20001060 Hitchcock Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223003Alma Jean Collier1961154 Friendship Nebo Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
1103714Patricia Bridges Glenn19543276 Minor Road, Milledgeville 31061Accepted
1096594Jane Butler Braxley195012338 Linton Road, Sparta 31087Canceled
3721794Vickie Denise Jones19684912 Beulah Highway, Milledgeville 31061-0110Accepted
7545549Sherika Monae Reid19895593 Beulah Highway, Milledgeville 31061Accepted
10578971Carolyn Bradley Minter19552954 Hitchcock Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
1094662Calvin Lamar19523173 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087-7431Accepted
2223151Olive M. Shinholster19515395 Beulah Highway, Milledgeville 31061-0114Accepted
2223117Johnny Clarence Osborne Sr.194412509 Linton Road, Sparta 31087Canceled
2224704Finnie Stephens Osborne194512509 Linton Road, Sparta 31087Canceled
1101934James William Wallace Jr.19541630 Underwood Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223026Mary Jean Davis19575530 Friendship Nebo Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223008Barbara Ann Collins19445593 Beulah Highway, Milledgeville 31061-0132Accepted
2223132Jeanette Edwards Poole194813121 Linton Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223267Ida Tucker Ransom1947503 Tucker Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
8786959Wilbert Douglas Minter Sr.19462954 Hitchcock Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
8606902Daisy Mae Davis19325512 Friendship Nebo Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
8217028Hakeem Breon Dixon19921102 H B Dixon Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224060Eva Mae Barnes19422373 Butts Road, Milledgeville 31061Accepted
2224704Finnie Stephens Osborne194512509 Linton Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
8317584Christopher A. Webb1992127 Beulah Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087-9503Accepted
10310033Brandie L. Lewis19963016 Friendship Nebo Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
10467199Jaquais Cortez Davis19972443 Butts Road, Milledgeville 31061Accepted
2222879Evelyn Collier Fleming1954170 Friendship Nebo Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
3374838Johnny Clyde Trawick19522999 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087-7427Accepted
2224058Elijah Barnes19402373 Butts Road, Milledgeville 31061Accepted
2222760Glenda Justice Trawick19593023 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087-7429Accepted
2222978Sadie Cook Boyer1930625 Hitchcock Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2222777Matthew Spikes19501622 Spike Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2225692Janice Marie Jones19521378 Parker Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2225242Eva Nell Tucker1942507 Tucker Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
4860356Meiontage Devecheo Bundrage19812863 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087-7571Accepted
2223105Mary Elizabeth Monroe19433197 Hitchcock Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087Canceled
6415309Felicia Tucker1968505 Tucker Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223127Cecil M. Poole193515105 Linton Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
1648198Ted Winfred Reeves194711300 Cody Johnson Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224644Frank Lewis Jr.19521262 Spike Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224643Rhunette Spikes Lewis19551262 Spike Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223030Leon Dixon19471102 H B Dixon Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2221835Sharon B. Brown1967363 Beulah Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087-9507Accepted
1096177Catherine Young Latimore1949244 Young Road, Milledgeville 31061Accepted
11889118Shantrice Leshe Reaves19951530 Parker Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224062Juliette Barnes Dixon19642373 Butts Road, Milledgeville 31061Accepted
5948958Iesha Lashae Liggins19852365 Trawick Road, Milledgeville 31061Accepted
6785315Shirley Moss Henry19491005 Underwood Road, Sparta 31087Canceled
10141758Ronald Gordon Miller19701876 Friendship Nebo Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2222969Delois Dessau Beckom19451480 Spike Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
7561633John Henry Barnes19582373 Butts Road, Milledgeville 31061Accepted
10141744Candice Leighanne Miller19701876 Friendship Nebo Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
10973783George E. Spikes192813789 Linton Road, Sparta 31087Canceled
1735853Sherry B. Henry19524956 Balerma Church Road, Sparta 31087Canceled
2224059Elijah Barnes Jr.1960322 Spike Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223170Winette Brown Timmons19593131 Hitchcock Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
3349523Andrew Jackson Trawick Jr.193512871 Linton Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
1474853Casey Dennis Oshields195112235 Linton Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
1650548Lesa Thomas Reeves196011300 Cody Johnson Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
8762727Maranda Butts Lewis19371530 Parker Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224057Brenda Harper Barnes1962322 Spike Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
7663180Brittany Lovette Moss19901060 Hitchcock Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
5139807Larry Lee Morris1957320 Friendship Nebo Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223786Gladys Louise Taylor1954296 Friendship Nebo Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
10045284Tracy Cornelia Barnes19741969 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224064Paula Lovette Dixon19661060 Hitchcock Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
10123705Rudolph Louie Carter19514454 Balerma Church Road, Sparta 31087Canceled
7679935Brenda Hitchcock Garland194513546 Linton Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
5071894Phillip David Jones19471378 Parker Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
4344314Marion Rogers Hargrove19541691 H B Dixon Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223022Georgie M. Davies Morris1953320 Friendship Nebo Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
1345716Walker Hargrove19321691 H B Dixon Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
1098935Leonard J. Kelley196284 Hitchcock Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087Canceled
8147436Eric Calhoun Carswell196215285 Linton Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223160Gus Spikes19481362 Spike Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224967Venniece Collins MacKlin19402914 Hitchcock Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223113Dorothy Brookins Osborne193912496 Linton Road, Sparta 31087Canceled
1097090Jonathan Roberta Steele19541848 Underwood Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
7224823Mary Margaret Finch19891646 Ridge Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223095Bryan Eugene MacKlin19672914 Hitchcock Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087Canceled
2223187Mary Swint Webb1949127 Beulah Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087-9503Accepted
10566926Lora Imani Brown1998363 Beulah Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
3578251Willie C. Brown Jr.1956363 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
1097166Bessie Mae Young19582380 Trawick Road, Milledgeville 31061Accepted



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