
Central Georgia News

Friday, October 18, 2024

Hancock County - Precinct 2B issued 173 absentee ballots in the general election

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Hancock County - Precinct 2B issued 173 absentee ballots in the general election, according to the Georgia Secretary of State.

According to Election Administration and Voting Survey, out of 33.5 million mail ballots submitted in the 2016 general election, 400,000 of them were not counted for various reasons.

With a record number of 65 million mail ballots in the 2020 general election, some votes may not be counted due to missed deadlines and incorrect or missing signatures, according to Pew Research Center.

These are the names of Hancock County - Precinct 2B voters who requested an absentee ballot and the status of their ballot.

Absentee Ballot Voters
Voter IDNameYear of BirthAddressStatus of Ballot
4169833Sabrina Michelle Trawick19724368 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
4061052Mitiz Lynn Batchelor19592025 Beulah Road, Sparta 31087-7551Accepted
11604059Desiree Janae' Burnett19994070 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
1098607Virginia Harper Hilson1952505 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224063Minnie Reese Barnes1931150 Travis Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224113Earnest Carswell Jr.19361206 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
2717077Sammie Lee Foster19502360 Beulah Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
11808669Gerald Tyrone Williams19922580 Beulah Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
1095023Janice MacKlin Thomas1961279 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
2222601Irene M. Ruff1937151 Hawkins Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
3391737Grace Yvonne Edwards1959397 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224188Linda Jean Ingram195652 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
7732815Alice Harper Simmons1948580 Butts Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2222587Kenneth Lee Reaves1944172 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
10359429Brenda Hartry Thornton1952416 Butts Road, Sparta 31087Canceled
804066Loretta Trawick19614056 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223163John Thomas Stanton Jr.19312085 Pearson Chapel Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
10492474Annette Stewart Jones19623854 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
2222737Sharon Rena Williams19652980 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
4401109Lonnie Roy Holsey19581571 Stanton Grove Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
4545970Lakeyshia Thomas Denson1978277 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
2222730Vivian Ferrell Harper1964746 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
2222706Robert Lee Baugh1941278 Lewis Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
11458203Christopher Immanuel Smith1999540 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
1094821Lizzie Mae Durden19463424 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
3584076Linda Marie Brown1964684 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
7779773Brenda Louse Lundy19552982 Reynolds Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224114Elnora R. Carswell19381206 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
1891425Jan E. Bassett1959626 Tom Brown Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
8939054Carolyn Stephens1945231 Highway Barn Lane, Sparta 31087Accepted
8393241Josephine Easter Thomas19414070 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
2225184Mickie Wingfield Thomas1967280 Sweet Blossom Lane, Sparta 31087Accepted
7729563Tammy Marie Simmons19692280 Beulah Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
1091622Thelma Clemons Huff1925621 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
10959803Dennis David Palmer V19651432 Jail House Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
4396752Betty Jean Primas1948240 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223177William Douglas Trawick Jr.19484372 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Canceled
6625451Gwendolyn Ingram19651940 Pearson Chapel Lane, Sparta 31087Accepted
2222650Mary Frances Wilson1954932 Reynolds Cemetery Road, Sparta 31087Canceled
2222728Willie Smith1952190 Pearson Chapel Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
7661006Sedrick Tramon Barnes1988161 Dixon Trail, Sparta 31087Accepted
7563439Jarvis Demarkus Horton198617 Butts Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
7732754Sirena Patrice Johnson1990151 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
4516186Cheryl Brookins Jackson19803579 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Canceled
1098795Charles Edward Hilson1953505 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
7776868Johnitra Oriana Barnes19833358 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
11575044Tanika Neshanda Trawick1984207 Stanton Grove Road, Sparta 31087Canceled
1095647Nancy Terry Garnto1953465 Gum Cemetery Road, Milledgeville 31061Accepted
6166290Eugene Barnes1937165 Dixon Trail, Sparta 31087Accepted
2222609Rayford Lee Thomas1962279 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
3890890Dorothy Jean Miles19514 Missed Lane, Sparta 31087Accepted
8474970Charles Allen Monney195221 Brookins Road, Sparta 31087Canceled
4266139Terry Lee Brookins1968257 Beulah Lane, Sparta 31087-7529Accepted
2222775Bernice Ingram Trawick19514372 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Canceled
235993James C. Williams195649 Gettis Street, Sparta 31087Accepted
7732663Neshika Lashawn Lewis1972124 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
11794975Clifford Walter Ingram19591086 Roy Lawrence Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
4972190Tayanda Comeice Ingram19781020 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Canceled
6820294Tanisha Andrea Davis19844216 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
6603372Jasmine Jarae Thomas1987279 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223114Petrenna Denise Barnes1966540 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
5787650Taquitta Yvonne Leslie1979397 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224198Shirley Ingram Butts19491180 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
1097324William Keith Garnto1949465 Gum Cemetery Road, Milledgeville 31061Accepted
4972321Mary Ann Primas1952125 Bluebird Lane, Sparta 31087-7619Accepted
2223748Mary Louise Walker19371834 Beulah Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
5087434Flimester Simmons1946580 Butts Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224123Louise J. Clark194981 Boxwood Drive, Sparta 31087-7318Accepted
2221720Willie J. Mae Reaves1947172 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
2222639Edward Williams19342978 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
3256727Michael Edwards1959397 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224935Shela Mae Waller19561568 Jail House Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2222526Lucious Hawkins1946203 Hawkins Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
4972305Willie James Primas19463754 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
8950623Rose Mary Stephens19522580 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
5949513Joyce Cook Stanton19362085 Pearson Chapel Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
10028652Calandra Shaquiesha Brookins1994257 Beulah Lane, Sparta 31087Accepted
5392189James Edward Waller19531568 Jail House Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
5426443Gloria Dean Thomas1956277 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
4933013Jessie Warren19422876 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
7532848James Edwards Waller Jr.19901568 Jail House Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
10359433Earl Leon Thornton1945416 Butts Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
3552554Rickey Fluellen196417 Butts Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
7593597John William Batchelor19902025 Beulah Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2225149Denise Harris196980 Monument Square, Sparta 31087Accepted
3717678Jaye Austin Denson1978277 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
10566375Untavius Dontrell Ingram19921606 Beulah Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
10566883Justin Orlando Malik Brown19961488 Jail House Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
4864936Leatrice Evette Montague19654442 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
2222745Johnnie Glenn Worthen195895 Apricot Lane, Sparta 31087Accepted
11722024Chaztin Jamon Lewis19992360 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
8617148Willie Eunice Culver Jr.1977265 Butts Road, Sparta 31087Canceled
2222967Ernest W. Batchelor Jr.19572025 Beulah Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
6868802Raynard Justice1970698 Tom Brown Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2266790James Elliott Clegg Sr.19342555 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
2222648Jannie Lee Hawkins19543294 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
5348524Jimmie Cummings1949391 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Canceled
2220943Venus Ella Street19712982 Stanton Grove Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
1091426Julia Bell Hartry1937416 Butts Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224212Lannie W. Lewis194664 Boxwood Drive, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224184Kenneth Alvin Ingram1964189 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
5359497Patricia A. Walker1951488 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
2221567Gloria D. Watkins Ingram1955189 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
2222610Roger Thomas1938319 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
7570411Otis Primas19443580 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224943Bobby L. Wilson1948115 Sweet Blossom Lane, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224228Willie Belle Primas19423580 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
734226Loresa Benita Lamar1970488 Stanton Grove Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223642Lonzie Palmer Jr.19381432 Jail House Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2222607Catherine Davis Thomas1944319 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
2222245Michael Bernard Smith196710 Pearson Chapel Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224282Daniel Lee Walker Jr.1951488 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
10747061Phillip G. Chatman1962200 Bluebird Lane, Sparta 31087Accepted
1094621Annie Huff Hood1945621 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
3814405Ricky Thomas19624178 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
2221582Isaac Giles Jr.195590 Pearson Chapel Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2222606Bennie F. Thomas19414390 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
3306996Lerone Demond Hawkins1977203 Hawkins Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
4995259Charlie Lee Thomas1954746 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
2222524Beatrice Hawkins1946203 Hawkins Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
4287808Willie Frank Fluellen196394 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223641Deverly Palmer Brown19681488 Jail House Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2220771Petronella Yvetta Primas1971207 Stanton Grove Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
10342900Sd Harper Jr.1958746 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
2225334Jimmie Lee Gilbert19722982 Stanton Grove Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
3552570Lillie G. Fluellen195217 Butts Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
3305901Sheila J. Justice1962212 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
2225404Brenda Louise Thomas19734070 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224081Dorothy Jean Brown1950151 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
2223392Vickie A. Clark195449 Gettis Street, Sparta 31087Accepted
4661573Joann Tucker1962433 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
5528674Johnnie Mae Primas19483754 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
7095842Bryan Demetrius Barnes19893368 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
4425374Sequita Michelle Davis19804216 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
4661824Jacqueline Denise Davis19634216 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
8090103Dazzmen Ketron Brown19911488 Jail House Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
3900524Raymond Thomas Primas1960237 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
7944467Jantzen Rashad Thomas1990279 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
11648387Sherrod Jevone Paschal19974368 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Canceled
2222551Roberta Fluellen Jones19343838 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
1091573Lee A. Hood1942621 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
2221583Jeannette Lewis Giles195590 Pearson Chapel Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224839Eddie Lee Clark195249 Gettis Street, Sparta 31087Accepted
2222518Shirley Louise Justice1941212 Soulville Circle, Sparta 31087Accepted
2225675Bettie Jean Cummings1953278 Lewis Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224125Martha Sue Courson19402555 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted
2225595William Kirjanto Lamar1975488 Stanton Grove Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
4397252Patricia Worthen Clayton195674 Apricot Lane, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224152Catherine Ingram Foster19532360 Beulah Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
2224122Bennie Clark Jr.194881 Boxwood Drive, Sparta 31087-7318Accepted
2224223Susan Waddell Pound19545018 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Canceled
1101567Gladys Cummings Primas1945427 Highway 22 Highway, Sparta 31087Canceled
7532961Priscilla Ingram19481940 Pearson Chapel Lane, Sparta 31087Accepted
10754790Bessie Palmer19381432 Jail House Road, Sparta 31087Accepted
11549616Robert William Isom IV19994442 Beulah Highway, Sparta 31087Accepted



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