
Central Georgia News

Friday, October 18, 2024

Emanuel County - Precinct 1560 issued 276 absentee ballots in the general election

Vote 08

Emanuel County - Precinct 1560 issued 276 absentee ballots in the general election, according to the Georgia Secretary of State.

According to Election Administration and Voting Survey, out of 33.5 million mail ballots submitted in the 2016 general election, 400,000 of them were not counted for various reasons.

With a record number of 65 million mail ballots in the 2020 general election, some votes may not be counted due to missed deadlines and incorrect or missing signatures, according to Pew Research Center.

These are the names of Emanuel County - Precinct 1560 voters who requested an absentee ballot and the status of their ballot.

Absentee Ballot Voters
Voter IDNameYear of BirthAddressStatus of Ballot
11565264Verona Kay Freed1941704 Oglesby Pond Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
8812624Maria Capeles Rivera Perez1944143 Colston Lane, Twin city 30471Accepted
4758337Tracy Harden Tarver1981119 Lane Avenue, Twin city 30471Accepted
5642359James Harden1961137 Davis Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
536274Linda H. Chester19511330 Lambs Bridge Road, Twin city 30471-4259Canceled
5640018Adrian Burgos1945121 Colston Lane, Twin city 30471Accepted
534665Ronald Lewis Mills195037 Mills Road, Twin city 30471-3824Accepted
535465Stanley Bernard Robinson1959255 Queen Street, Twin city 30471Accepted
10219659Lillian Lane Brown195089 Little Canoochee, Twin city 30471Accepted
534150Dennis Jerrell Whitfield19522460 Lambs Bridge Road, Twin city 30471Canceled
3254781Willie Ruth Cephus1947626 S. Railroad Avenue, Twin city 30471-4747Accepted
6105495Greggory Steward1965116 Brown Avenue, Twin city 30471Accepted
3275424Lillie Bell Reynolds1938254 Old Metter Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
533169Carrie Tarver Williams1962525 W. Broad Street, Twin city 30471Accepted
11915448Chauncy Mathew Brown194189 Little Canoochee, Twin city 30471Accepted
531135Albert M. Jones1951707 Old Swainsboro Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
1070274Janette Elizabeth Allmond19411667 Lambs Bridge Road, Twin city 30471-4217Canceled
532653Rebecca L. Powell1951186 GA Highway 192 N., Twin city 30471-4177Accepted
533384Eva Mae Smith19421319 GA Highway 23 S., Twin city 30471Accepted
10026729Sandra Jean Burke1940107 Fourth Avenue, Twin city 30471Accepted
532094Mary Ann Moore1939206 First Avenue, Twin city 30471-3804Accepted
528282George Eugene Archer Jr.1953112 Malsby Street, Twin city 30471-3871Canceled
532005Lavane Lumpkin Mills1949104 Central Street, Twin city 30471Accepted
529829Betty Ellison1936200 Old Metter Road, Twin city 30471-3908Accepted
6031456Katie J. Cowart1959104 Madge Road, Twin city 30471-4112Accepted
3333170Robert William Faulkner1970402 Elm Street, Twin city 30471Accepted
565482Mary Beverly Warner1957261 Puffin Place, Twin city 30471Accepted
5781729Donna K. Davis-Thomas1966388 Old Swainsboro Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
12025779Scotty L. Hendley197254 Woodpecker Trail, Twin city 30471Accepted
10659577Joe Henry Williams Jr.1998116 Brown Avenue, Twin city 30471Accepted
530457Linda Frost Hall1948144 Fifth Avenue, Twin city 30471-4139Accepted
530438George W. Hall1939144 Fifth Avenue, Twin city 30471-4139Accepted
536100Sarah Cason Wilkins1937116 Brown Avenue, Twin city 30471-5102Accepted
4779192Virginia Aiken Williams1952335 Bluebonnet Road, Twin city 30471Canceled
10359766Queenie Mincey Troupe1953139 Lane Avenue, Twin city 30471Canceled
531174James Jackson Jones1951222 Queen Street, Twin city 30471Accepted
12204088Lottie Jean Overstreet1944135 Pearl Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
7587406Peggy Cowart Lamb1939236 Friendship Church Road, Twin city 30471-3727Accepted
530872Elaine Muns19538 Beagle Road, Twin city 30471-3836Accepted
4098686Anitra Latrice Wilson1979812 Durden Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
11246625Jennifer E. Shumpert1989418 S. College Street, Twin city 30471Accepted
535170Eileen M. Dudley1949133 First Avenue, Twin city 30471-3803Accepted
1600869Dennis Williams1959525 W. Broad Street, Twin city 30471-4187Accepted
534307Shirlene W. Culbreth195635 Culbreth Lane, Twin city 30471-4213Accepted
8245712Josephine Lottie Heilig1937294 GA Highway 192 N., Twin city 30471Accepted
529697Betty Lee Dunn1932139 Old Swainsboro Road, Twin city 30471-4195Accepted
4909327Billy Ralph Davis1956227 W. Short Street Twin City, Twin city 30471Canceled
3348124Charles Ennis Paige194620 Laurel Drive, Twin city 30471-4184Accepted
7333705James Elbert Harrison1941715 Fifth Avenue, Twin city 30471Accepted
7333693Inez Lorraine Harrison1950715 Fifth Avenue, Twin city 30471Accepted
2184586Fran C. Meeks19481029 Fifth Avenue, Twin city 30471Canceled
529393Rebecca H. Crawford1941418 S. College Street, Twin city 30471-3943Accepted
5654905Joyce Darran Mazzarelli19341306 Lambs Bridge Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
535820Bobby Lee Culbreth195735 Culbreth Lane, Twin city 30471-4213Canceled
7478527James Debyron Williams1988141 Paradise Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
4420747Dale R. Carswell1948388 Old Swainsboro Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
6580457Edward Paul Aimar Jr.19553142 U.S. Highway 80 E., Twin city 30471Canceled
11335512Trent Carlyle Smoyer1999111 Old Metter Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
4323628Penny Louise Peebles19611052 GA Highway 192 S., Twin city 30471Accepted
530450Jerry Allen Hall19511253 Scarboro Church Road, Twin city 30471-4022Canceled
1587866Donna K. Barton195194 Olivetown Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
528844Cherrie Lynn Brown Fann1959118 Davis Road, Twin city 30471-3853Accepted
3688324Otis Fann II1961118 Davis Road, Twin city 30471-3853Accepted
532816Kenneth Rich1953123 Brown Avenue, Twin city 30471Accepted
531917Elmo McQuater1946618 S. Railroad Avenue, Twin city 30471-4314Accepted
535678Beth W. Harden194479 Bethel Church Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
534155Sandra Braswell Whitfield19542460 Lambs Bridge Road, Twin city 30471Canceled
532976Milton Rollins1945992 GA Highway 23 N., Twin city 30471-3732Accepted
7912181Derick L. Ward196438 Olivetown Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
6196276Cordero Art Fields1986824 Bailey Street, Twin city 30471Accepted
3686507Altanza Weaver1945115 Paradise Road, Twin city 30471-3879Canceled
529215Jacquline Gail Hopkins1943521 S. Old Reidsville Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
4185096John Duane Fowler19501032 GA Highway 192 S., Twin city 30471Canceled
4552494Mary M. Smith1956433 W. Broad Street, Twin city 30471-4142Accepted
4148619Denise James Lanier193232 Bobwhite Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
528849Mary Ann Brown1933404 S. College Street, Twin city 30471-3943Accepted
531147Carol Lincks Jones1950707 Old Swainsboro Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
533874Rose Marie Turner19412005 Scarboro Church Road, Twin city 30471-4010Canceled
533674James Richard Sweat19501576 Fannie Brewer Road, Twin city 30471-4231Accepted
3361632Betty Carswell King1958310 Queen Street, Twin city 30471Accepted
1400045Lynda C. Talmadge1939309 S. College Street, Twin city 30471-3987Canceled
2184824Betty Sue Taylor1943316 Bethel Church Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
535521Brandi Dawn Canady-Taylor19731295 Scarboro Church Road, Twin city 30471-4022Accepted
11999166Bobby Damontae Kirkland1998243 Maple Street, Twin city 30471Accepted
3672710Geraldine S. Foreman1950931 King Street, Twin city 30471Accepted
535240Marion Steele1961133 Oak Street 1, Twin city 30471Canceled
529890Classie Gail Fann1953406 W. Broad Street, Twin city 30471-4107Accepted
3386863Richard William Herndon1941427 W. Broad Street, Twin city 30471Accepted
1495243Emory F. Greenway1944254 Little Canoochee, Twin city 30471-4120Accepted
529892Helen Swans Fann1950801 S. Railroad Avenue, Twin city 30471-4319Accepted
4098487Tina Marie Grimes19791019 GA Highway 23 N., Twin city 30471Canceled
6468344Charlie B. Pierce1964204 Maple Street, Twin city 30471-3855Accepted
2186348Kakenya M. Kirkland1972983 GA Highway 23 N., Twin city 30471-3735Accepted
6790335Nellie Mae Parrish194121 Scarboro Church Lane, Twin city 30471-4057Accepted
529625Lois C. Donaldson1930194 Parrish Pond Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
10491901Sabrina Rose Ettinger1996921 Fifth Avenue, Twin city 30471Accepted
529067Deloris B. Carlyle19561573 Durden Road, Twin city 30471-4329Accepted
3692288Stanley Swans1958407 Parrish Pond Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
11635521Keely Shay Overstreet1997521 S. Old Reidsville Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
2369764Alphonso R. Anderson1957276 GA Highway 192 N., Twin city 30471Accepted
10001143Mary Alice Cross19441321 GA Highway 23 S., Twin city 30471Accepted
529365Dan J. Cowart1955118 Madge Road, Twin city 30471-4112Accepted
531845Mary Frances McKenzie1937116 Brown Avenue, Twin city 30471-5105Accepted
530139Lula Ann Jackson Marshall1955264 Queen Street, Twin city 30471Accepted
532083Jerry Seab Moore1938206 First Avenue, Twin city 30471Accepted
532951Marie Brantley Robinson1958840 Bailey Street, Twin city 30471Accepted
7913825Brenda Jean Brown1959994 Coursey Road, Twin city 30471Canceled
535239Bobby Lee Kirkland1967983 GA Highway 23 N., Twin city 30471-3735Accepted
12057981Glynn Alton Garvin1945533 W. Broad Street, Twin city 30471Accepted
529571Sonny Dekle1948222 Princess Street, Twin city 30471Accepted
531697Kathy Lee Manley1952380 Old Swainsboro Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
535679Robert Randy Harden196079 Bethel Church Road, Twin city 30471Canceled
530487Amos Handsom Jr.1943398 Parrish Pond Road, Twin city 30471-3818Accepted
7700399Hattie Bell Carlyle1949730 Durden Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
530465Paula Grubb Hall19521253 Scarboro Church Road, Twin city 30471-4022Canceled
531713David Marshall1953264 Queen Street, Twin city 30471Accepted
6409886Lula Mae Lewis1940441 W. Broad Street, Twin city 30471Canceled
532055Katherine M. Moody1953124 Paradise Road, Twin city 30471-3880Accepted
532471Martha J. Peacock1944663 Almond Road, Twin city 30471-4114Accepted
4097723Allison Lynn Veettil1962521 S. Old Reidsville Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
534045Ruth D. Watson1926120 Bethel Church Road, Twin city 30471-3612Accepted
8044690Dwayne Oneal Culbreth198535 Culbreth Lane, Twin city 30471-4213Accepted
3249474Carrie Lee Milton1965651 S. Railroad Avenue, Twin city 30471Accepted
530335Kathryn W. Jordan195255 Magnolia Drive, Twin city 30471Accepted
2184589Ray Lamar Meeks19481029 Fifth Avenue, Twin city 30471Canceled
534490Nancy G. Baird195110047 GA Highway 121 N., Twin city 30471-3663Canceled
4861612Corine W. Hampton1953255 Puffin Place, Twin city 30471-4131Accepted
11786522Joann Clark Williams1954266 GA Highway 192 N., Twin city 30471Canceled
10026215Michael Leonard Burke1948107 Fourth Avenue, Twin city 30471Accepted
4337734Regina Archer1953112 Malsby Street, Twin city 30471-3871Canceled
531120William Daniel Johnson19313972 U.S. Highway 80 E., Twin city 30471-3633Accepted
3253961Gary H. Cavanah19501230 Lambs Bridge Road, Twin city 30471-4224Canceled
534249Glenda D. Williams19521408 Lambs Bridge Road, Twin city 30471-4258Canceled
534614Gregory J. Young V1955203 Maple Street, Twin city 30471-3850Accepted
529119Fayette Bell Chance1935129 Malsby Street, Twin city 30471Canceled
528801Bennie Brinson1939140 Ward Street, Twin city 30471-4315Canceled
531549Cendy Lou Lee1953868 George L Smith State Park Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
531103Sybil W. Johnson1947206 Bluebonnet Road, Twin city 30471Canceled
11339002Floyd Brinson Jr.1965977 Coursey Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
11613954Ana Vanilla Yevette Dekle1991222 Princess Street, Twin city 30471Accepted
533676Patricia O. Sweat19561576 Fannie Brewer Road, Twin city 30471-4231Canceled
12233719Bryan Lee Kirkland2001983 GA Highway 23 N., Twin city 30471Canceled
10683598Darius Keontae McCullough1996983 GA Highway 23 N., Twin city 30471Accepted
3966525Elizabeth Brown Waters1957116 Brown Avenue, Twin city 30471Canceled
535470Cora L. Williams1949141 Paradise Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
530911Dorothy S. Swans1960407 Parrish Pond Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
6766774Virginia Ann Morris1958129 W. Broad Street, Twin city 30471Accepted
10571517David Clyde Green196070 Fulmer Lane, Twin city 30471Canceled
4103581Luke Howard19531588 GA Highway 23 S., Twin city 30471-3902Accepted
5640013Aida C. Burgos1946121 Colston Lane, Twin city 30471Accepted
11002367Ester Mae Upton1951211 Mathis Avenue, Twin city 30471Accepted
8429999Luigi Di Lorenzo194810117 GA Highway 121, Twin city 30471Accepted
10470243Stephen F. Handsom1972410 Parrish Pond Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
10501824Rebecca Anne Durden1997203 Ostrich Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
529926Irene B. Faulkner1931120 First Avenue, Twin city 30471-3802Canceled
11775740Robert Daniel Spinner194921 George L Smith State Park Road, Twin city 30471Canceled
534931David L. Dudley1948133 First Avenue, Twin city 30471Canceled
12001792Cameron Lamar MacK2000651 S. Railroad Avenue, Twin city 30471Accepted
12005750Ann Watson Watson194679 Bethel Church Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
533971Craig Walters19502305 U.S. Highway 80 E., Twin city 30471-5112Accepted
533974Janice F. Moore Walters19512305 U.S. Highway 80 E., Twin city 30471-5112Accepted
529356Annie Jo Kennedy Cowart19402509 U.S. Highway 80 E., Twin city 30471-4179Accepted
3259798Mary Lee Brown193736 Dusty Lane, Twin city 30471-3736Accepted
5093440Louis Walker1952980 GA Highway 23 N., Twin city 30471Accepted
6419689Marilyn Bady Swans1954801 S. Railroad Avenue, Twin city 30471Accepted
535238Alvin Swans1966801 S. Railroad Avenue, Twin city 30471Accepted
533368Cynthia L. Smith1959233 GA Highway 192 N., Twin city 30471Accepted
534260Johnny Williams19471408 Lambs Bridge Road, Twin city 30471-4258Canceled
3885500Alexander Clay Jr.1932327 S. College Street, Twin city 30471-3987Canceled
7960310Larry Thurmond Boyd1954367 Old Swainsboro Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
529069Lourine Carlyle1942734 Durden Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
3403659Virginia Kirkland Herndon1949427 W. Broad Street, Twin city 30471-4142Accepted
533082Levi Sapp194413 Dusty Lane, Twin city 30471-3747Canceled
3673004Shirley A. Brown1954204 Princess Street, Twin city 30471Accepted
529829Betty Ellison1936200 Old Metter Road, Twin city 30471-3908Canceled
535240Marion Steele1961133 Oak Street 1, Twin city 30471Accepted
4333904Byron Deshaun Culbreth198035 Culbreth Lane, Twin city 30471Accepted
5812272Kelvin Lamar Branch198529 Friendship Church Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
535679Robert Randy Harden196079 Bethel Church Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
2947697Cubia Ann Carlyle1954218 Maple Street, Twin city 30471-3855Accepted
8117102Waulene Parrish1956132 Oak Street 1, Twin city 30471-3851Accepted
10876626Gerald Lee Lamb Jr.1964236 Friendship Church Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
11565263Richard Frankin Freed1933704 Oglesby Pond Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
529075Samuel Carlyle19441573 Durden Road, Twin city 30471-4329Accepted
528877Lanel Brown1955606 Old Statesboro Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
533576Lula P. Stokes1945208 Queen Street, Twin city 30471-4339Accepted
532474Robert M. Peacock Jr.1943663 Almond Road, Twin city 30471-4114Accepted
528874William Joseph Brown1951116 Brown Avenue, Twin city 30471Accepted
6744132Keif Robinson1987840 Bailey Street, Twin city 30471-4350Accepted
536809Randall L. Smith1954233 GA Highway 192 N., Twin city 30471-4174Accepted
5498117Tyronda Shonntela MacK1979701 S. Railroad Avenue, Twin city 30471Canceled
5674973Catrice Latessa MacK1983651 S. Railroad Avenue, Twin city 30471Accepted
12204094Jeanette Brown Portwood1946308 Fifth Avenue, Twin city 30471Accepted
1605352Luther Aaron Bell1937803 Fifth Avenue, Twin city 30471-3935Accepted
11844483James Paul Ike1947147 Little Canoochee, Twin city 30471Accepted
12073751Michael Jerome Lanier195532 Bobwhite Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
4750992Charles Lloyd Walker1933417 S. College Street, Twin city 30471-3942Canceled
11844495Nancy Jean Ike1952147 Little Canoochee, Twin city 30471Accepted
529743Nancy Ann Thomas1948147 Pearl Road, Twin city 30471-3916Accepted
533085Shirley Mae Sapp194613 Dusty Lane, Twin city 30471-3747Canceled
2219293Cheryl L. Beach1960149 Old Swainsboro Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
532672Nyla F. Price1928134 Leonard Avenue, Twin city 30471-3877Accepted
5198639Billy Allen Cowart1957104 Madge Road, Twin city 30471-4112Accepted
8460049Devon Demone McCullough1993243 Maple Street, Twin city 30471Accepted
536322Tommy James Pierce1965214 Queen Street, Twin city 30471Accepted
533565Welda H. Stewart1943503 S. College Street, Twin city 30471-3940Canceled
1438601Linda B. Greenway1946254 Little Canoochee, Twin city 30471-4120Accepted
528804Diana Fields1954142 Ward Street, Twin city 30471-4315Canceled
529063Carolyn Durden Mosley1955728 Durden Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
3670143Belinda Lee Ellison1962200 Old Metter Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
544568Jann Overstreet Henry1943136 Stork Road, Twin city 30471Accepted
291365Kay Allane Milner19561415 GA Highway 23 S., Twin city 30471Accepted
532054Elijah Moody1951124 Paradise Road, Twin city 30471-3880Accepted
532014Leroy Milton1962651 S. Railroad Avenue, Twin city 30471-4343Accepted
3685097Mozelle Mosley1951204 Queen Street, Twin city 30471Canceled
7960315Gladys Victoria Boyd196847 Culbreth Lane, Twin city 30471Accepted
532974Jennie Harrison Rollins1946992 GA Highway 23 N., Twin city 30471Accepted
5199177Angela T. Johnson Threatte1967214 Old Swainsboro Road, Twin city 30471Canceled
528451Arlene Bell Howard19621588 GA Highway 23 S., Twin city 30471Canceled
531121Marjorie Johnson19353972 U.S. Highway 80 E., Twin city 30471-3633Accepted
532171Retha Moxley1935133 Friendship Church Road, Twin city 30471-3728Accepted
1095491Katie Donaldson Goins1950211 W. Broad Street, Twin city 30471Canceled
529378Loy D. Cowart Jr.19362509 U.S. Highway 80 E., Twin city 30471Accepted
2184366Robert Franklin Griner193432 Bobwhite Road, Twin city 30471-4031Accepted
5634139Archie Paul Jordan195155 Magnolia Drive, Twin city 30471Accepted
12161486Millicent Clarissa Kridler1955411 Elm Street, Twin city 30471Accepted
11598660Maria I. Woodger1951315 Elm Street, Twin city 30471Accepted
5580731Willette Cavanah19541230 Lambs Bridge Road, Twin city 30471-4224Canceled
120611Nancy Hall1944116 Leonard Avenue, Twin city 30471-3877Canceled
12233719Bryan Lee Kirkland2001983 GA Highway 23 N., Twin city 30471Accepted
5819585Jennifer Lynn Mills19843579 U.S. Highway 80 E., Twin city 30471Accepted
530488Annie Mae Handsom1945398 Parrish Pond Road, Twin city 30471-3818Accepted


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