
Central Georgia News

Friday, October 18, 2024

Clayton County - Precinct OAK2 issued 393 absentee ballots in the general election

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Clayton County - Precinct OAK2 issued 393 absentee ballots in the general election, according to the Georgia Secretary of State.

According to Election Administration and Voting Survey, out of 33.5 million mail ballots submitted in the 2016 general election, 400,000 of them were not counted for various reasons.

With a record number of 65 million mail ballots in the 2020 general election, some votes may not be counted due to missed deadlines and incorrect or missing signatures, according to Pew Research Center.

These are the names of Clayton County - Precinct OAK2 voters who requested an absentee ballot and the status of their ballot.

Absentee Ballot Voters
Voter IDNameYear of BirthAddressStatus of Ballot
1507304Arie Grant Bradford19505132 Seaborn Place, College park 30349Canceled
3896823Mary Holloway Robinson19581427 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
3971684Kenyatta Alethea Veasey19791295 Lori Ann Way, College park 30349-5887Accepted
3942001Aso A. Odus19561189 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
2518764John Bailey Carroll19495270 River Walk Place, College park 30349Accepted
7571540Sharita Mitchell19875420 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Accepted
7627587Marcus Demond Turner19901295 Lori Ann Way, College park 30349-5887Canceled
6850222Claire E. Harmon19595291 Crystal Lane, College park 30349Accepted
10071506Shanecia Ladaidra Green19951535 River Walk Court, College park 30349Accepted
7830079Phyllis Ann Pringle19475291 River Walk Drive, Atlanta 30349Accepted
2388897Berlin Amelia Rector19551412 River Walk Lane, College park 30349Canceled
3702862Reginald Demetrice Nash19755250 Kirk Drive, College park 30349Accepted
11568205Jacob Felix Okechukwu19815299 River Walk Drive, Atlanta 30349Accepted
10894321Natevius Demaj Bryant19981428 River Walk Drive, Atlanta 30349Canceled
8643245Jasmine Renee Ellis19931414 River Walk Lane, College park 30349Accepted
11986628Ray Sedwick Sr.19591371 Stoneham Court, College park 30349Canceled
1708712Betty Jean Lee19295242 Crystal Lane, College park 30349-5422Accepted
3767284Shelia Renae Perdue19645218 Collingwood Terrace, College park 30349-5809Accepted
3262126Annette B. Willingham19425240 Kirk Drive, College park 30349Canceled
3061267Vernon Maurice Mosby19521299 Cedar Knoll Way, College park 30349-5885Accepted
3140933Sheila Lajeune Taylor19625278 Kirk Drive, College park 30349-5881Canceled
5325323Cornelius Enrico McCalla19545133 Seaborn Place, College park 30349-5841Canceled
4572446George Edward Stephens19565242 Collingwood Terrace, College park 30349-5809Accepted
7889187Victoria A. Johnson19665420 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Accepted
7356935Sherell Denise Edwards19695302 Heather Lane, College park 30349Canceled
6881542Gregory Jerome Jordan Jr.19881427 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
11489759Sopy Sim19845359 Kirk Drive, College park 30349Accepted
4039328Shandra Danest Young19675336 Kirk Drive, College park 30349Accepted
11366346Alexzandrea Weeks19935273 Heather Lane, College park 30349Accepted
10749565Andrew J. Leonard Dorfeuille19981595 River Walk Trail, College park 30349Accepted
8485651Rickey Lee Holcomb Jr.19811595 River Walk Trail, College park 30349Accepted
5382856Jorge M. Gonzalez Jr.19835292 River Walk Place, College park 30349Canceled
6348565Ramon Xavier Ryals19855183 River Walk Court, College park 30349Accepted
5991621Kenan Jared Pillows19651138 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
1723942Allen R. McCall19621208 Shoreham Drive, Atlanta 30349-5846Accepted
1762702Bermazell Brooks Newsome19505371 Kirk Drive, Atlanta 30349-5883Accepted
2390832Brenda Culpepper19751197 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
3755936Betty Ann Hinesman19545204 Heather Lane, College park 30349-5830Accepted
3220632Victor Thomas McBride19551127 Shoreham Drive, Atlanta 30349-5843Accepted
3683584Michael Stephen London19515172 Heather Lane, College park 30349-5828Canceled
3978421Mavis Denise Kelley19625183 River Walk Court, College park 30349Canceled
5779697Monica Trenea Sherrer19835371 Crystal Lane, College park 30349Accepted
8500170Tasha Denise Mason19725420 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Accepted
8404868Ameir Abdel Rahman Tahir19631583 River Walk Trail, College park 30349Canceled
3369377Yolanda Denise Taylor19685203 River Walk Court, College park 30349Canceled
10918462Soeun Sok19581424 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
4684582Estella Saunders19635420 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Canceled
11537414Niasia Unique Ferguson19985262 Kirk Drive, College park 30349Accepted
7881112Earnest Darnell Fortson19685420 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Accepted
4854395Jermaine Silas Skinner Sr.19735470 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Accepted
11810298Jasmine Le20005281 Heather Lane, College park 30349Canceled
10116880Jannita Ann Ridgell19601426 River Walk Drive, Atlanta 30349Accepted
1744346Michael L. Reese19545217 Brentwood Road, College park 30349-5801Accepted
3307140Mildred Marie MacK19511189 Stoneham Court, Atlanta 30349-5880Accepted
3385784Undray Leon Luttery19675292 Kirk Drive, College park 30349Accepted
1747287Charlene Harris19571528 River Walk Lane, College park 30349Accepted
2547120Kynesha Walthall Luttery19715292 Kirk Drive, College park 30349Canceled
4044910Ronney Cliffford Jackson19535267 Brentwood Road, College park 30349Accepted
5636468Rosalind Thornton Jackson19515267 Brentwood Road, College park 30349Accepted
5057921Jennifer Renee Stephens19655242 Collingwood Terrace, College park 30349-5809Accepted
4241740Helen L. Parks19461300 Stoneham Court, College park 30349Accepted
4939911Thea Pack19575420 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Accepted
7591235Adoly A. Graham London19495172 Heather Lane, College park 30349-5828Canceled
8537115Quinton Lavar Daniels19915313 Brentwood Road, College park 30349Accepted
6021871Rogero Lay19591157 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
7270993Vicki Lynne Evans19581571 River Walk Trail, College park 30349Accepted
11508392Jennifer R. Rhodes19871458 River Walk Drive, Atlanta 30349Accepted
10069485Felix Akintomide Akinseye19605236 River Walk Place, College park 30349Accepted
2669659Sandra Darlene Davis19595420 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Accepted
12086273Vandyke Kotoroka-Yiadom19855264 River Walk Place, College park 30349Accepted
1957565Michelle C. Ford19671418 River Walk Lane, College park 30349Canceled
3850198Aileen Victoria Pillows19611138 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
758196Kathryn Delores Price19575314 Crystal Lane, College park 30349-5443Canceled
1733320Rommel Montre' Shumpert19565294 Brentwood Road, College park 30349-5870Accepted
1744350Ray E. Daniels19525217 Brentwood Road, College park 30349-5801Accepted
2424635Deborah McDowell Harris19531500 River Walk Lane, College park 30349Accepted
3775854Mozelle Hendricks Sloman19325301 Crystal Lane, Atlanta 30349-5445Accepted
3493631Sonya Marie Cooper19515470 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Accepted
4376541Da'mon Patrick Woods19791295 Lori Ann Way, College park 30349-5887Accepted
5831505Andrew L. Sinkfield19701300 Stoneham Court, College park 30349Accepted
11459016Felicia Johnson19731264 Lori Ann Way, College park 30349Accepted
8875075Walecia Cecilia Barnes19645420 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Accepted
5920667Philip Kim Ngov19661205 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
7028412Brandon D. Whitfield19885336 Kirk Drive, College park 30349Accepted
8377936Mamie Johnson Colter19561555 River Walk Trail, College park 30349Accepted
8807152Michelle Renia Carter19941279 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349-5817Canceled
6804079Laconda Ametria Hayes19845248 River Walk Place, College park 30349Accepted
10521515Keundrea T. Indiya Luttery19975292 Kirk Drive, College park 30349Accepted
5214171Dorothy Mae Hall19665195 River Walk Court, College park 30349Accepted
2540471Kanneshia Burdett Burdett19715309 Brentwood Road, College park 30349Accepted
4013910Edgar W. Whitfield19575336 Kirk Drive, College park 30349Accepted
7136783Jacob Ceasar Marable19841510 River Walk Lane, College park 30349Accepted
1717367Juanita P. Haney19425290 Crystal Lane, College park 30349-5422Canceled
2399250Craig Lamar Perdue19625218 Collingwood Terrace, College park 30349-3512Accepted
3984936Denise Mills Garnette19601180 Stoneham Court, College park 30349Accepted
2362058Anthony Desales Farley19641463 River Walk Drive, Atlanta 30349Accepted
5020941Adeto Aston Garnette19551180 Stoneham Court, College park 30349Accepted
5967594Bobi Leandria Hinesman19855204 Heather Lane, College park 30349Accepted
11656744Houl Blue Srey19691211 Stoneham Court, College park 30349Canceled
4097753Keith Lamar Weaver19555325 River Walk Place, College park 30349Accepted
7240843Rashan Antone Wallace19895470 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Canceled
6944624Sovichearath Vann19851240 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349-5846Canceled
3317609Anthony B. Harmon19655291 Crystal Lane, College park 30349Accepted
10910526Jeremy Alan Granger19755396 Kirk Drive, College park 30349Accepted
11118283Ikenna C. Odus19981189 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
4632312Timothy Lafonzo Robinson19671410 River Walk Lane, College park 30349Canceled
2560208Larry Darnell Culpepper19721197 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
4589581Sharice Nique Vance19795470 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Canceled
3917349Wilhamina Polen19565287 River Walk Drive, Atlanta 30349Accepted
4090041Carolyn Horton19565420 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Accepted
4774735James Sidney Willis19525242 River Walk Place, College park 30349Accepted
1742978Mildred Hall Manson19441258 Shoreham Drive, Atlanta 30349-5877Accepted
1926912Horace Colquitt19405313 Brentwood Road, College park 30349Accepted
3500985Larry Diggs Jr.19515309 Brentwood Road, Atlanta 30349-5803Accepted
4781189Terri Lynn Jones19801571 River Walk Trail, College park 30349Canceled
7114113Douglas Odonnell19565291 River Walk Drive, Atlanta 30349Accepted
11342286Ahamefule A. Odus19921189 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
8629102Patrice Nicole Pitre19815234 Brentwood Road, College park 30349Accepted
8737429Sonny Et19651131 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
5886642James Rayshon Jones19851181 Stoneham Court, College park 30349Accepted
8314716Dawn Monique Morgan19651302 Crystal Lake Road, College park 30349Canceled
8824361Emmanuel I. Nwufo19925305 River Walk Drive, Atlanta 30349Accepted
10372498Charles Wesley Kern Jr.19585296 River Walk Place, College park 30349Accepted
6169837Thishin Andrew Jackson19825249 Brentwood Road, College park 30349Canceled
8183450Parrie Charmaine Johnson19921591 River Walk Trail, College park 30349Canceled
10023431Antionette Williams19931567 River Walk Trail, College park 30349Canceled
11069240Summer Baisden19981190 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
1736434Kathy Earnestine Shumpert19535294 Brentwood Road, College park 30349Accepted
4134089Joseph Wayne Blankenship19635321 Heather Lane, College park 30349-5831Accepted
2388097Blanche L. Mallory19561429 River Walk Lane, College park 30349Accepted
2712252Zearrious Dante Johnson19705363 Kirk Drive, College park 30349-5883Canceled
3956600Cathy Davis Woodard19581377 Shoreham Drive, Atlanta 30349-5847Accepted
6771791Felix Pestana19571579 River Walk Trail, College park 30349Accepted
5995791John Echord Maurice Smith19815273 Heather Lane, College park 30349Accepted
6625659Ruthie B. Jackson19475268 Brentwood Road, College park 30349Accepted
6166789James Edward Parrom19835332 Heather Lane, College park 30349Accepted
7454970Calvin Johnson19651143 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
8960803Damon Bernard Sinkfield Jr.19951300 Stoneham Court, College park 30349Accepted
6126669Leonard Louis Bryant Jr.19501539 River Walk Court, College park 30349Canceled
11918819Damian Mark Wilks19791480 River Walk Drive, Atlanta 30349Canceled
10544771James Leonard Brown19601433 River Walk Lane, College park 30349Accepted
11448218Gary Raynard Brown Jr.19951193 Stoneham Court, College park 30349Accepted
7943907Sheila Nicole Bussey-Neal19731524 River Walk Lane, College park 30349Accepted
3711971Douglas Eric Wilder19691433 River Walk Drive, Atlanta 30349Accepted
11941643Salvador Cordero-Sanchez19931224 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
11571540Kingsley Udeze Madu19775299 River Walk Drive, Atlanta 30349Accepted
11391570Shelayn Momon Moore19895289 Brentwood Road, College park 30349Accepted
11786151Melinda Joyce Downie19631371 Stoneham Court, College park 30349Canceled
1507307James Grant Jr.19735132 Seaborn Place, College park 30349Accepted
5829161Delores Hall19475420 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Accepted
8064762Edward Lewis Miller Jr.19915218 Collingwood Terrace, College park 30349-5809Accepted
7246894Hazel M. Johnson19865328 River Walk Place, College park 30349-5769Canceled
7118383Rany Yan19881116 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
7630173Charlotte L. Burton19331333 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
3484287John Thomas Langston19571451 River Walk Drive, Atlanta 30349Accepted
1213879Pamela G. Brew Roe19591327 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
2605502Norman K. Beauford19581175 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
11131300Cindy Singleton19905321 River Walk Drive, Atlanta 30349Accepted
1912132Debra Andrill Burson19571428 River Walk Drive, Atlanta 30349Accepted
1777332Edith Rowe19495261 Heather Lane, College park 30349-5823Canceled
3769845Juanita Martin V19325205 Crystal Lane, College park 30349Accepted
3794774Cheryl I. Manuel19645265 Collingwood Terrace, College park 30349-5808Accepted
2591505Mattie Verdell Adams19545292 Kirk Drive, College park 30349-5881Accepted
6803269Michael Anthony Ford19705325 River Walk Drive, Atlanta 30349Accepted
6129954Vanna Kroch19845281 Heather Lane, College park 30349Canceled
7099006Henri Louis Turner19525206 Brentwood Road, College park 30349Accepted
7839572Kiara K. Mathis19905420 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Accepted
7352994Lutchie Mondero McBride19771127 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349-5843Accepted
11261357Robert Ray Crawford19575420 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Accepted
12181067Sharon Lane19535420 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Canceled
8760418Linda F. Dunbar19575215 River Walk Court, College park 30349Accepted
8367664Cameron Duvante Woodard19921377 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349-5847Accepted
10235784Andre' Bernard Manuel' Jr.19955265 Collingwood Terrace, College park 30349Accepted
12221267Hailu H. Eshetu19871555 River Walk Trail, College park 30349Accepted
5306704Tika Nicole Wiley19815258 Crystal Lane, College park 30349Accepted
4198782Terry Denice Graves19745420 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Accepted
2436944Donnell McKinney19541313 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Canceled
11283771Pauline Grace Mc Bain19675420 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Accepted
11010027Eric Wu19981332 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
11802779Carmela Yvette Bush19645291 River Walk Drive, Atlanta 30349Accepted
3276487Serena Yvette Born19715470 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Accepted
5815695Terrence Kareem Williams19825325 River Walk Place, College park 30349Canceled
12190494Saxton Wilson19515205 Crystal Lane, College park 30349Accepted
11964143Matthew Salter19935352 Kirk Drive, College park 30349Accepted
1708909Maryjim McGuirt19301341 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349-5847Accepted
1707967Shirley McCart Davis19395233 Collingwood Terrace, College park 30349-5808Accepted
1710461Russell R. Davis19465233 Collingwood Terrace, College park 30349-5808Accepted
1716668Leigh E. McGuirt19551341 Shoreham Drive, Atlanta 30349-5847Accepted
1732980John Cecil Leyden Jr.19321215 Stoneham Court, College park 30349Accepted
1737721Hung Minh La19521326 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
1997104Alma Deloris Hunter19461312 Lori Ann Way, College park 30349-5886Accepted
2377129Bobby George Cook19385353 Crystal Lane, College park 30349-5445Accepted
2712252Zearrious Dante Johnson19705363 Kirk Drive, College park 30349-5883Accepted
4073521Jacqueline Burnell Brown19651193 Stoneham Court, College park 30349Accepted
2075500Sandra Ann Pryor19475328 River Walk Place, College park 30349-5769Accepted
3449829Jan Christian Claud19541237 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349-5845Canceled
5176058Earlene Diane Abrams19491579 River Walk Trail, College park 30349Accepted
5947455Raymond Lee MacK Sr.19381189 Stoneham Court, College park 30349-5880Accepted
6097057Chavonque K. Larkin19815272 Brentwood Road, College park 30349Accepted
7911278Debra Joyce Allen19531416 River Walk Lane, College park 30349Canceled
4415848Moses Coker Jr.19655203 River Walk Court, College park 30349Accepted
10894419Lena Elizabeth Pestana19611579 River Walk Trail, College park 30349Accepted
10642107Gabrielle Marie Banks19981120 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Canceled
5055122Michael Norvel Taylor19431587 River Walk Trail, College park 30349Accepted
11351356Sophoan Chann19475355 Kirk Drive, College park 30349Canceled
11699121Thaleena Chu Chhoeurm19965361 Warrington Place, College park 30349Accepted
11594335Enyonam Afi Essenam Dackey19741425 River Walk Lane, College park 30349Canceled
1725140Solomon Caviness III19481255 Shoreham Drive, Atlanta 30349-5817Accepted
1731478Leon Allen James19495219 River Walk Court, College park 30349-5617Canceled
1745385Joy Ann Hagan19545286 Kirk Drive, College park 30349-5881Accepted
1770968Cornelius Woodard19541377 Shoreham Drive, Atlanta 30349-5847Accepted
2424036Darlene Yvonne McDade19585218 Heather Lane, College park 30349Accepted
3623971Brigitte Dawn Sherrer19615371 Crystal Lane, College park 30349Canceled
3641877Ngame Thomas Ngome19565220 Kingswood Circle, College park 30349Canceled
6890352Robert Eugene Rembert19495332 Heather Lane, College park 30349Accepted
10889098Sharanda Lee Johnson19811319 Stoneham Court, College park 30349Accepted
10898942Tiffany Vandiver19755396 Kirk Drive, College park 30349Accepted
10907556Olin Colton19485420 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Canceled
7260659Quindonus Keon Williams19895470 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Accepted
11468349Remy Zotz Romano19821547 River Walk Court, College park 30349Accepted
11244955Rosaline Manjah Kallon19661575 River Walk Trail, College park 30349Canceled
8724747Sharaneika Taylor19921272 Crystal Lake Road, College park 30349Canceled
6979238Michael Benard Daniels19671319 Stoneham Court, College park 30349Accepted
1729293Willie Burkes19515298 Brentwood Road, College park 30349Accepted
3140933Sheila Lajeune Taylor19625278 Kirk Drive, College park 30349-5881Accepted
6032126Buc Thi On19421213 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349-5845Accepted
8005836Brenda Burdett Diggs19515309 Brentwood Road, College park 30349-5803Accepted
4819455Lisa Selena Dawson19685470 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Canceled
6966257Terrence Lee Smith19785207 River Walk Court, College park 30349Accepted
8858073Jenny Le19941227 Stoneham Court, College park 30349-5855Accepted
10356811Travis Todd McGriff19591424 River Walk Lane, College park 30349Accepted
12253678Myriam Montanez Cotto19685270 River Walk Place, College park 30349Accepted
8566954Veliesa Ruechelle Jenkins19581452 River Walk Drive, Atlanta 30349Canceled
4337664Earnest Harris19575420 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Accepted
5269233Pamela Patricia Robinson19615420 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Accepted
11005476Kevin Ear19971201 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
1768330Tonia Michelle Manson19691258 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349-5877Canceled
2377470Bernard Antonio Burnett19585347 Kirk Drive, College park 30349-5883Accepted
2702188Wetha I. Stephens19385242 Collingwood Terrace, College park 30349-5809Accepted
4791177Rhonda Renee Cook19615353 Crystal Lane, College park 30349-5445Accepted
6603795Lawrence James Wildes Jr.19571431 River Walk Lane, College park 30349Accepted
2680220Timothy Wayne Bridges19631229 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
7648488Markeisa Danielle Isom19885265 Collingwood Terrace, College park 30349Accepted
10381850Gerald Leonard Gray Jr.19821452 River Walk Drive, Atlanta 30349Accepted
3771002Alethea Ann Harris19615420 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Canceled
10755293Jesse James Copeland Jr.19961412 River Walk Lane, College park 30349Canceled
5627399Sheila Ann King19555270 River Walk Place, College park 30349Accepted
11952579Jimmy Lewis Akins19581200 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
6863742Tierre Jevon Nash19881539 River Walk Trail, College park 30349Accepted
6937513Barbara Virginia Swint19665328 River Walk Place, College park 30349Accepted
10185679Alyssa Thomas19965360 Kirk Drive, College park 30349Accepted
4244735Cynthia Denise Beauford19581175 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
2521591Janice Parrom Rembert19585332 Heather Lane, College park 30349Accepted
2498258Jacqueline Y. Turner19475206 Brentwood Road, College park 30349-5802Accepted
3987628John Douglas Williams19545156 Heather Lane, College park 30349Accepted
10904972Yaneth Vazquez Jacinto19985214 Kingswood Circle, College park 30349Accepted
5007134Ronald David Battle Jr.19821226 Stoneham Court, College park 30349-5856Accepted
5646192Byron Everral Brown19521514 River Walk Lane, College park 30349Accepted
8403192Sylvester Kelley19435470 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Canceled
8778211Porcha Rochella Johnson19855321 River Walk Drive, Atlanta 30349Canceled
8719442Ekoue Akpah19655199 River Walk Court, College park 30349Accepted
4883831Deborah E. Cooper19515248 Collingwood Terrace, College park 30349Accepted
7900979Gail Larnette Glenn19591543 River Walk Court, College park 30349Accepted
11948533Tyjohn Jatheus Lowe20005258 Crystal Lane, College park 30349Accepted
12049693Ramonua Hammock19681510 River Walk Lane, College park 30349Accepted
10823296Kolise L. Terry19951500 River Walk Lane, College park 30349Accepted
10866550Stanley C. Egwuogu19785271 River Walk Drive, Atlanta 30349Accepted
4063825Linda N. Jenkins19601433 River Walk Drive, Atlanta 30349Accepted
5416976Albert Scott19545420 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Accepted
6143117Charles Alton Jackson19475268 Brentwood Road, College park 30349Accepted
6486895Jacquelyn Denise Newton19665420 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Canceled
10463561Amber Renae Banks19971120 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
6166419Shelly A. Dykes19611279 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349-5817Accepted
1769209Wilbert Donald Threatt19611258 Cedar Knoll Way, College park 30349Accepted
7156601Ronnicia Jena McDonald19895420 Riverdale Road, College park 30349Canceled
11633996Gabrielle Larita Walker19871350 Stoneham Court, College park 30349Accepted
8010558Michelle Lafurne Lee19641319 Stoneham Court, College park 30349Accepted
10369451Vester Ccalliste Scully19661266 Cedar Knoll Way, College park 30349Accepted
11399981Deonte' Darnez Culpepper19991197 Shoreham Drive, College park 30349Accepted
5895520Anselm E. Nwufo19525305 River Walk Drive, Atlanta 30349Accepted
10023390Karen R. Whitney19671516 River Walk Lane, College park 30349Accepted


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