
Central Georgia News

Friday, October 18, 2024

Clayton County - Precinct FP3 issued 635 absentee ballots in the general election


Clayton County - Precinct FP3 issued 635 absentee ballots in the general election, according to the Georgia Secretary of State.

According to Election Administration and Voting Survey, out of 33.5 million mail ballots submitted in the 2016 general election, 400,000 of them were not counted for various reasons.

With a record number of 65 million mail ballots in the 2020 general election, some votes may not be counted due to missed deadlines and incorrect or missing signatures, according to Pew Research Center.

These are the names of Clayton County - Precinct FP3 voters who requested an absentee ballot and the status of their ballot.

Absentee Ballot Voters
Voter IDNameYear of BirthAddressStatus of Ballot
1715074Phillip Norman Williams1934528 Bridge Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
1715678Melba Louise Denson1929846 Laurel Street, Forest park 30297-3932Accepted
1721228Patricia Hipp1939773 Virginia Circle, Forest park 30297-4078Accepted
1729473Karen Rene Zietlow1963745 Linda Way, Forest park 30297-2735Accepted
1754102Michael J. Dawe19635355 Sharon Street, Forest park 30297-2745Canceled
3929818Joe Anne Barbee19514950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
2560658Lois M. Wright19585401 Lee Circle, Forest park 30297-2730Canceled
6148719Diane Watson Smith1958628 Pine Ridge Drive, Forest park 30297-4033Accepted
4559412Michael Thomas Long Jr.19815070 Park Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
6183568Hazel Lowe19344950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
7970663The Van Duong19385160 Woodland Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
7987703Ashley J. Gwinn1991374 First Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
6976321Cesar Rigoberto Romero-Velasco19675355 Madison Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
7821965Mary Lessie Dukes1952368 Lee Street, Forest park 30297Canceled
7905398Lekeisha Yvette Franklin1974765 Bridge Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
7655946Herbert Lee Ham19354947 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297-2118Accepted
10441087Patrick Guy Dorismond1967722 Georgia Avenue, Forest park 30297Canceled
2098556Helen Ruth Sherrer19384950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
8707346Ronald Andre Barnes19614950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
10016582Brenda Lee Booker19635030 Old Dixie Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
10383495George Haskins Guilford Jr.19504947 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
11243937Lashiedra Lashae Horne1986363 Forest Parkway, Forest park 30297Accepted
5906363Zerrick Rafael Collier19825418 Sycamore Circle, Forest park 30297Canceled
2379227Betty Daniel Houseworth19575130 Highway 85, Forest park 30297Accepted
7892104Danielle Elizabeth McCrary1988363 Forest Parkway, Forest park 30297Accepted
11535595Margaret Ann Wise19524950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
3278586Corne Rorie1971507 Granade Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
12306721Ana E. Montecino-Campos1974769 Virginia Circle, Forest park 30297Accepted
6164672Lynwood Hicks19564950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
7448665Brandon Chase Cantrell19845318 Lee Circle, Forest park 30297Accepted
11066596Hester Mouzon19504950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
1713589Doris R. Sellers19351062 Woodland Way, Forest park 30297-3942Accepted
1714608Betty Edwards Power19305165 Woodland Drive, Forest park 30297-3959Accepted
1726244Betty Ann Sims1937514 High Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
1734592Izetta Francine Hood19685261 Brookdale Drive, Forest park 30297-2702Accepted
1774358Pamela George Conner19645128 Middlebrook Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
10831747Janie Sims Scott19574950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
4101909June Holland19434947 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297-6141Accepted
2628950Robert Stovall V Jr.19525074 Old Dixie Road, Forest park 30297-6105Accepted
4498269Debra Traylor Sullivan1965946 Dearing Street, Forest park 30297-3957Canceled
4718852Virginia Louise Lemon19555052 Springdale Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
4331864Dorothy Lee Jones19374950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
5738259Clara M. Gray1948536 Perkins Drive, Forest park 30297-2712Accepted
4333468Melvin L. Jenkins1948304 First Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
6066967Mecca Bey19865214 Austin Place, Forest park 30297Canceled
10048338Shawn Russell Gamble19715090 Park Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
8113455Mike Vongvilay1990202 Lee Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
11918932Antonio Robert Howard19825046 Lorraine Place, Forest park 30297Accepted
10947578Draker Gross1980574 Linda Way, Forest park 30297Canceled
10890703Juan Ramon Menjivar1955733 Linda Way, Forest park 30297Accepted
10967512Amber Lashea Presley19955072 Ash Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
3713819Melanie Alcala1977725 Linda Way, Forest park 30297Accepted
11343744Ernest Marcel Pope19704950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
11872005Daniel Adan Crittenden1975852 South Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
8579758Maxine Laynette Howard19705046 Lorraine Place, Forest park 30297Accepted
12164494Bing Albert Dymally1939893 White Oak Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
12050540Jarvin Cornelius Wallace20005055 Springdale Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
12220172Gabby Jophiel Escobar20015323 Lyndale Circle, Forest park 30297Canceled
3620299Shonte Kenyette Zachary19775030 Old Dixie Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
1715050Betty J. Wiggins1932711 Virginia Circle, Forest park 30297-4078Accepted
1715621Betty F. Pierce1943963 South Avenue, Forest park 30297-2353Accepted
1718045Bernice Grooms19585163 Springdale Road, Forest park 30297-2774Accepted
1720750Betty Jane Matthews19525122 Whatley Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
1726050Sondra Lee Preston19435211 Austin Place, Forest park 30297-2786Accepted
1744135Retha Mitchell1950160 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297-2159Accepted
1762300Paulette Hardin1950750 Virginia Circle, Forest park 30297-4077Canceled
3823439Laitan Owolabi1944774 Virginia Circle, Forest park 30297-4077Canceled
3937668Gene Copeland1951893 South Avenue, Forest park 30297-2334Accepted
3582060Timmy Regina Grigley19665226 West Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
4888213Yakita S. Carmichael19775081 Lake Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
5240647Verline Laverne Cook19645030 Old Dixie Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
6000561Maureen Daniels Lee19424947 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
7703742Kelly Eugene Garner19655130 GA Highway 85, Forest park 30297Accepted
7244687Donald Roger Williams1960105 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
7431552Mark Ernest Knudsen19601089 Woodland Way, Forest park 30297-3960Accepted
7100366Angilian E. Mary Williams19344950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297-6148Accepted
7894268Delores Wilson Harper19555035 East Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
7592740Sheila L. Doss1950858 Pine View Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
7600865Michael Huynh19505140 Woodland Drive, Forest park 30297-3941Accepted
8591872Barbara Keel McFarlin19465291 Sharon Street, Forest park 30297-2751Accepted
10143357Rosalia Parra Morelos19935348 Madison Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
11165150Javonte Travon Gwinn1993374 First Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
11541891Jexe Alexander Campos1999769 Virginia Circle, Forest park 30297Accepted
12046688Marie D. Lacroix19454947 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
12067745Lanagia Danetta Thomas1988176 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
12166238Annie Ruth Muse1934432 Pine Ridge Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
3405401Annette R. Gates19614950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
1713670Annie F. Burcher19274950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
1713757Barbara A. Collinsworth1935844 South Avenue, Forest park 30297-2335Canceled
1713793Elsie Jones Overton19194950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
1722540Georgia C. Staples19364945 West Street, Forest park 30297-2205Accepted
1735648Wanda J. Williams19605432 Ash Street, Forest park 30297Canceled
2012691Robin Alexandra Kemp19645253 Lyndale Circle, Forest park 30297-2737Canceled
3311112Felicia Clark Turner19625041 Ash Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
3856563Celestine Suzette Leonard19705223 Linda Place, Forest park 30297Accepted
2533158Joan Jackson1952921 Dearing Street, Forest park 30297-3919Accepted
2624641Paula Dionne Seldon19614991 West Street, Forest park 30297-2227Accepted
3458924Robert Henry Lilly19525054 East Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
5203829Virginia Lee Wyatt19615074 Old Dixie Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
5070783Vevery P. Taylor1956507 Georgia Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
6536134Albert Nathaniel Maiden Sr.19494947 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
7040557Oletha Glenn Gresham19685030 Old Dixie Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
7667043John Leonard Sr.19545116 Highway 85, Forest park 30297Accepted
8428441Jose De Jesus Rios19675070 Sargent Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
8824564Ronald Pendleton Fridge19624950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
2417600Cassandra L. White1971169 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
5701327Carmin Cole Bush1969644 Virginia Circle, Forest park 30297Accepted
10920048Aaron Dorsey Jones19575188 Ash Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
10916078Richard Cardoso1991507 Georgia Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
2505687Juanita Linette Cain19655074 Old Dixie Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
7566717Michell Denise Barnes1969548 Granade Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
4320009Joe Louis CamMacK Jr.19675212 Albert Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
8152744Joy Yvette McDonald1964702 Georgia Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
1709740Carolyn S. Weems1939757 Virginia Circle, Forest park 30297Accepted
1716783Phyllis A. Hill19415410 Ash Street, Forest park 30297-4007Accepted
1726842Mary M. Cawood1946570 Granade Drive, Forest park 30297-2218Accepted
1733554Ruby Doris Scandrett19355136 Jones Road, Forest park 30297-2610Accepted
1751866Gloria J. Barnes19404950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
1754810Michael L. Jones1958742 Pine Ridge Drive, Forest park 30297-4035Accepted
1779893Diane Lemon19705030 Old Dixie Road, Forest park 30297Canceled
2557875Latanya Marie Ford19624993 Oak Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
3569945Shantera Leigh Gwinn1975374 First Street, Forest park 30297-2656Accepted
2621867Patricia Renee Harrison19555210 Austin Place, Forest park 30297-2785Accepted
2092378Elizabeth Anne Saurin19444950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297-6149Accepted
4692971Frances Louise Holland19434947 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
8947631Dominique Anderson1986509 Watson Ferry Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
4481622Richie Tan Nguyen1971537 Bridge Avenue, Forest park 30297-2232Accepted
4731123William Richard Bedingfield Jr.1967821 Laurel Street, Forest park 30297-3945Accepted
4633666Karen Michelle Chaney19624950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
5121276Kinetha Kishan Gwinn1973374 First Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
5988919Joseph Andrew Hardnett19605090 Lorraine Place, Forest park 30297-2380Accepted
7974637Xavier Deandre Hood19915261 Brookdale Drive, Forest park 30297-2702Accepted
6980112Maggie A. Crowley19521048 Woodland Way, Forest park 30297Accepted
7690346Andrew Bailey19375037 Springdale Road, Forest park 30297-2170Accepted
7874869Marlene D. Jones19364950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297-6148Accepted
8369569Tuyen Dang19445080 Phillips Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
4206692Cheryl Ezell Melton19661120 South Avenue, Forest park 30297Canceled
8816335Genevieve MacBride19614950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
8295405Robert Kindle Jr.1945112 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Rejected
4086934Brenda B. Simon19625059 Sargent Street, Forest park 30297Canceled
5155401Roxie Renee Thompson19514950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
3709411Meshico Terrell Freeman19741048 Helen Street, Forest park 30297Canceled
2617516Patricia Ann Crittle19544950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
2121889Melissia B. Thompson1965521 Granade Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
7366542Nesean Donale McCollough19865269 Springdale Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
4515847Anjeannette Sunni Mercer1980804 Linda Way, Forest park 30297Accepted
6612150Margaret Ann Noel1958592 Bridge Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
1714569Joyce D. Phillips1930723 Glenn Drive, Forest park 30297-2724Accepted
1713998Patsy Sanders Grant1933304 First Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
1718032Ronald Lynn Williams19555432 Ash Street, Forest park 30297-4007Canceled
1751698Janie C. Seay1953999 South Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
1764353Velva D. Brown19381120 South Avenue, Forest park 30297Canceled
1775954Cynthia Ann Cooper19454947 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
11339823Gregory Morgan1972507 Georgia Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
2399451Catherine B. Norwood19284947 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297-6141Accepted
2448407Ezelle H. Rodgers19524947 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
3819707Betty Mott Price19514950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297-6147Accepted
2629247Renay Dixon19534950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297-6149Canceled
5515015Hoanh Van Nguyen1945422 Pine Ridge Drive, Forest park 30297-2633Accepted
4542323Lorraine Hooks Peterson19564950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
5779435Jimmy Henderson19595141 Springdale Road, Forest park 30297-2774Accepted
5838008Marie Alcindor Destinvil19565048 Old Dixie Road, Forest park 30297-2100Canceled
6212504Yasmin Gloria Daniels Miller1976602 Virginia Circle, Forest park 30297Accepted
7035701Delores Veronica Bogle19374950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297-6148Canceled
2469275Gwendolyn Diane Stone19464950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
7374148Nancy B. Bowles1949563 Georgia Avenue, Forest park 30297-2167Accepted
12049145Phillip Nguyen Ly2000588 Watson Ferry Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
2115003Laronda Faye Sullivan19624950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
11258965Doris Strong19334950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
2619128Patricia Ann Turner19484950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
6499372Alberth Richard Adams Jr.19514950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
2531162Johnny Rowe1947761 Alice Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
11394575Ronald Eric Riggins Jr.19765030 Old Dixie Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
11554165Jorge Almader19735090 Ash Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
11480877Ruth Jacqueline Sills19644989 Oak Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
11598457Tessa Marie Griffin1977846 Birch Street, Forest park 30297Canceled
12178568Amber Moore19915002 Park Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
11567360Patrick Eugene Tarrance Jr.1987939 South Avenue, Forest park 30297Canceled
854761Thaurtic Michelle Ponder19585005 West Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
1713552Georgia Beckham Nunnally19285459 Alder Drive, Forest park 30297-4057Accepted
1713670Annie F. Burcher19274950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
1714726Gerald M. Scandrett19355067 Springdale Road, Forest park 30297-2170Accepted
1721545Linda Calhoun Simon19445040 East Street, Forest park 30297-2371Accepted
1734037Doris Barkwell Latham19354950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297-6148Accepted
1746029Sarah Davis Lilly19555054 East Street, Forest park 30297-2371Accepted
1951795Ed Frederick Evans19585059 Sargent Street, Forest park 30297-2377Canceled
3662467Staccato Paree Stidwell1961653 Bridge Avenue, Forest park 30297-2265Canceled
3696925Laura Ann Presley19645072 Ash Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
4821662Rajinder Kumar Mittal19374947 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297-6141Accepted
5182270Darius Millian Hackett1970528 Moore Avenue, Forest park 30297-2223Canceled
5293847Cynthia Delores Perry19565123 Warner Street, Forest park 30297Canceled
6957431Marguerit Irene Grimshaw1938686 Glenn Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
10690705Desmond Deiontay Freeman19955078 Park Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
6109654Felecia C. Riggins1974857 Mimosa Drive, Forest park 30297-3926Accepted
6587624Bon Thi Dang19465160 Woodland Drive, Forest park 30297-3941Canceled
6039379Antoine Deante Brownlee19825130 Highway 85, Forest park 30297Accepted
5666556Cornelious Dale Federick1964843 White Oak Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
6171527Jerry Barkley1955360 Third Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
7249931George Washington McCrary Jr.1973602 Virginia Circle, Forest park 30297Accepted
7830458Crystal D. Evans19524947 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
7898141Cynthia Dianne Fish1958566 Lamar Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
7903973Andrew Nicholas Hughes19794950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
2604015Morris Sims III1977507 Georgia Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
8176423Nathanael Tesfaye Woubou1975628 Linda Way, Forest park 30297Canceled
8349926Selena J. Strickland19454950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297-6147Accepted
10485015John Ly Nguyen1997588 Watson Ferry Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
10283225Paris Navaughn Moorer1996538 Pine Ridge Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
10319998Julie Thi Tran1996708 Pine Ridge Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
10524387Maria Guadalupe Rodriguez-Martinez1997928 Ewing Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
11124493Lamar De Shawn Amerson19765361 Lee Circle, Forest park 30297Accepted
4206615Yvonne Renee Richardson1966507 Georgia Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
1891756Anthony Ray Battle1966165 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
7445958Tracy Berry1968133 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
11606803Rose Lee Wilson19255307 West Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
11606059Tynesha D. Forbes19991046 Cheaves Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
11958722Merced Mykeal Mercer2000804 Linda Way, Forest park 30297Accepted
11535355Tiffany Sue Crittenden1980852 South Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
1714316Warner Norman Lewis19355152 Ash Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
1721095Ann Marie Campisi Acevedo19555295 Lyndale Circle, Forest park 30297-2737Accepted
1755013Ronnie Tucker19464950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
1774359Pamela Martin1955162 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297-2160Accepted
1998668Willene Clewis Ingram19555459 Ash Street, Forest park 30297-4006Accepted
11761309Lashelle Rene Sanders1978759 Bridge Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
4045946Robin Denise Smith1964181 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
3612613Eunice Yvonne Smith1954754 Virginia Circle, Forest park 30297-4077Canceled
5260192Johnathan Bryan Vaughan1983659 Linda Way, Forest park 30297Accepted
4632065Albert G. Ross Jr.1950628 Pine Ridge Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
12252552Isaac Neftali Campos2001769 Virginia Circle, Forest park 30297Accepted
4272876Hubert Sau Thach Vo19475022 Ash Street, Forest park 30297-2332Accepted
5961458Adolphus Carmichael19515081 Lake Drive, Forest park 30297-2221Accepted
6455732Tariq H. Mirza19495038 Old Dixie Road, Forest park 30297-2148Accepted
7829646Betty Louise Willis19505254 Ash Street, Forest park 30297-3914Accepted
12093283Taprease Shantell Harris1972785 Alice Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
2360086Annie Atkins Harris19425074 Old Dixie Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
10538728Jewell Elaine Stone1966975 South Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
10104370Lynn Khristine Horne19925030 Old Dixie Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
11321154Edward Curtis Robinson19645074 Old Dixie Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
7284677Magus Isaac Freeman19801048 Helen Street, Forest park 30297Canceled
10890706Luisa Angelica Menjivar1957733 Linda Way, Forest park 30297Accepted
6255083Oscar Landeros1967894 Linda Way, Forest park 30297Accepted
8716636Lacresha Ontaria Campbell1993507 Georgia Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
4944096Selena Ann Holland19735130 GA Highway 85, Forest park 30297Accepted
8624335Vivian Serena Felicia Winningham19865066 Park Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
8439286Gerardo E. Rodriguez Maldonado19895405 Lee Circle, Forest park 30297Canceled
1764412Catherine Holliman19444950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
11139812Ha A. V19485170 Woodland Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
7743688Kenny Lamont Walker1976653 Bridge Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
2582167Marilyn Evon Franks19664950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
7758248Meriam Evonne Smith19545128 Middlebrook Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
1322040Vanessa Renee Holmes19645078 Sargent Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
963931Betty Jean Lovett19434950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297-6148Canceled
10160650Cipriano Medrano Jr.19745434 Joyce Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
1714767Jean G. Sims19295230 Linda Place, Forest park 30297-2732Accepted
1724836Sara Bridges19364950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
1741238Raymond Robinson19434947 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297-2118Accepted
1743629Yvette Ellison19625078 Jones Road, Forest park 30297-2643Accepted
1749035John Howell Seay1953999 South Avenue, Forest park 30297-3934Accepted
1754177Donna M. Barkley1954360 Third Street, Forest park 30297-2604Accepted
4211875Betty Katherine Burdett19341057 Woodland Way, Forest park 30297-3960Canceled
2691779Valeria Hughes19505484 Alder Drive, Forest park 30297-4058Accepted
3807344Sonya Alfreda McClain19574950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
2536415Karen-Brandee Delores Williams1966105 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297-2172Accepted
3585851Pearlie M. Hance1941514 High Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
3450275Victor Bernard Hart Sr.1960405 Second Street, Forest park 30297Canceled
4819690Anthony Benjamin Ware19525393 Lee Circle, Forest park 30297-2728Accepted
5962542Betty Gatson Brown19524947 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
5439025Raysa Aragon19575253 Lyndale Circle, Forest park 30297Accepted
4985743Joyce McElreath19404947 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297-2118Accepted
7803310Annie Belle Carter1940438 Springside Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
6451699Karessa Monique Carter19875032 East Street, Forest park 30297-2371Canceled
2035639Corine Mathews1944392 Fourth Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
8677034Antonio Ramon Watkins1974509 Granade Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
6296180Brieanna Senora Garrett19861120 South Avenue, Forest park 30297-3968Canceled
5894163Sylvester J. Lumpkin19551120 South Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
5857795Phouthalack Joe Inthasone19821054 Helen Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
8479447Yvonne Mussington19504950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
8279177Thuy T. An Ho19895506 Ash Street, Forest park 30297Canceled
8264986Shelia Elaine Ratliff19585318 Lee Circle, Forest park 30297Accepted
2666140Sonia Yvonne Lackley1974757 Linda Way, Forest park 30297Canceled
11069516Willie James Thompson Jr.19544950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
5482733Jermaine B. Bapus Rowe1984761 Alice Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
7196336Andre C. Ambros Watson19844944 West Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
2600969Margaret Duncan Hardin19485441 Ash Street, Forest park 30297Canceled
11822722Cindy Thanh-Thanh Pham Vo20005022 Ash Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
7071404Shunta Lasha Ramsey1987382 Pine Ridge Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
139827Dorothy Dixon Reynolds19394947 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297-2102Accepted
1717112Peggy Capell19401069 South Avenue, Forest park 30297-3944Accepted
1714687Dorothy F. Robinson19315417 Lee Circle, Forest park 30297-2730Accepted
1718434Ronald Garnett Cawood1942570 Granade Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
1739821Lyda Ann Perry1943907 Ewing Drive, Forest park 30297-3923Accepted
1769698Lisa C. Green1960318 First Street, Forest park 30297-2637Accepted
1977857Jerome Hammond19435084 Jones Road, Forest park 30297-2643Accepted
1917774Eddie James Carter1957438 Springside Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
3304904Lula Izora Barnes19415083 Springdale Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
3314411Valerie Michelle Ware19605393 Lee Circle, Forest park 30297-2728Accepted
3164777Patti Anne Childers19545225 Linda Place, Forest park 30297-2757Canceled
3664981Leslie Kapri Gray1976536 Perkins Drive, Forest park 30297-2712Accepted
12086317Charles Adekunle Oriade1953143 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
5100768Fequiere Lacroix19404947 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
5121276Kinetha Kishan Gwinn1973314 First Street, Forest park 30297Canceled
7962913Mitchell Anthony Scott19595254 Ash Street, Forest park 30297-3914Accepted
7960571Doris Freeman19315303 West Street, Forest park 30297-2739Accepted
2437528Delores Annette Gunn19655098 Park Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
10908066Maria Paniagua1957514 Granade Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
10930982Daniel Alberto Ayala19965223 Sharon Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
7041538Brenda J. Thomas19574950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
6004375Cora Bryson Walker19665074 Old Dixie Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
6796391Tischinna N. Leverette19794938 West Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
11607821Eliseo De Jesus Peraza De Paz1996319 Kate Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
11703539Yasmin Yamileht Hernandez20005056 Maple Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
12063530Terrence Maurice Johnson19664950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
10995551Perrishe Latroy Fields19741070 Woodland Way, Forest park 30297Accepted
103415Lydia Flores Murphy19465421 Ash Street, Forest park 30297-4006Accepted
1723764Garry Marvin Hollingsworth19485409 Alder Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
1728320Sherrie Grooms19655163 Springdale Road, Forest park 30297-2774Accepted
1736096John W. Sellers19371062 Woodland Way, Forest park 30297-3942Accepted
2448013Elliott Moorer Jr.1947538 Pine Ridge Drive, Forest park 30297-4031Canceled
3282662Josephine Elizabeth Bell19375086 Old Dixie Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
3686657Shedrick Crocker III19635338 Ash Street, Forest park 30297-3917Accepted
5405975Dwight Longino Higgins1956385 Fourth Street, Forest park 30297Canceled
5450351Amani Chantelle Shabazz19684880 Hale Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
4275601Annie Mae Stanley Small19314950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
11780172Sydney Zietlow1995745 Linda Way, Forest park 30297Accepted
6221406Annie B. Grace Aycock19524950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
6769817Randy Goodson1979765 Bridge Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
6839372Monique Amor Long19875070 Park Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
7997832Salvador Salazar-Garcia19725086 Old Dixie Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
7744178Khuong An Dang19445397 Lee Circle, Forest park 30297Canceled
7852009Rebecca Moody1936653 Bridge Avenue, Forest park 30297-2265Accepted
7332211Huy Nguyen1989786 Virginia Circle, Forest park 30297-4077Canceled
7632014Janecia M. Buteaus19885432 Alder Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
10204648Lina Thuy Le VI19955513 Alder Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
8250005James Herbert Hamilton19475001 East Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
8530692Hermenegildo Martinez Ramirez19555406 Lee Circle, Forest park 30297Accepted
8805309Tracy F. Earle1963576 Georgia Avenue, Forest park 30297-2168Accepted
11333893Michael Munyambala Mwembeshi1975104 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
2611898Ola Alexandra Richards19594950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
6727965Henry Lewis Davis1965689 Georgia Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
10705845Steven Lynn Frix1960707 Linda Way, Forest park 30297Accepted
10937915Frank Edward Boozer1966949 Ewing Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
7133103Carolyn Wright1945858 White Oak Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
7803620Christopher B. Williamson1979363 Forest Parkway, Forest park 30297Accepted
3322939Shirley A. Simpson19474950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
7433690Bonnie Kay Sims19624950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
11227836Gwendolyn Clark1954507 Georgia Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
5697238Barbara Williams19635278 Lee Circle, Forest park 30297Accepted
4641699Jamie Laelsie Blanton1981388 Second Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
625011Sandra Louise Hughey1953618 Watson Ferry Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
2587962Mage A. Braddy19365067 Lorraine Place, Forest park 30297Canceled
11585954Ngoc Suong Thi Nguyen1967422 Pine Ridge Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
8080790Alexander Jarmaine Tucker19775159 West Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
1714919Mary Nell Thomaston19505001 East Street, Forest park 30297-2370Accepted
1716946Harley Clayton Wright1945726 Linda Way, Forest park 30297Accepted
1739283Dorinda Eleanor Ellis19565351 Lee Circle, Forest park 30297Accepted
1746520Scarlett Susan Reynolds1955691 Virginia Circle, Forest park 30297Accepted
2509891Joyce Crowder1956886 Birch Street, Forest park 30297Canceled
2807384Edward Carter Morgan Jr.1938842 Pine View Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
3482041David Lee Martin Jr.1977570 Moore Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
5625065Lutricia Faye Vaughn1948659 Linda Way, Forest park 30297-2733Accepted
4716186Richard Williams19465247 Albert Drive, Forest park 30297-2763Canceled
4599009Arnold Harris Jr.1967785 Alice Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
6813515Karen Perry19655048 Old Dixie Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
10203205Thuong Thi Ho Huynh1995666 Virginia Circle, Forest park 30297Accepted
6307260Renee Harris Warren19564950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
7794413Earnest Donell Mason1959164 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
7903787Dorothy Lee Butler1936880 Linda Way, Forest park 30297Accepted
7370570Elva Castellanos De Pere1966564 Bridge Avenue, Forest park 30297-2201Accepted
7192751Zachry Nathan Davis1975624 Bridge Avenue, Forest park 30297-2264Canceled
8083790Clifford Elvis Wilson1957670 Georgia Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
8536130Shirley Jean Baker19544950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
6894478Joseph Anthony Taylor19634950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
2400563Carol Simmons Wilder19544950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
2117399Marie Antionette Jenkins1954304 First Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
12181913Jexe Gilberto Campos1974769 Virginia Circle, Forest park 30297Accepted
12293530Paul Laurence Johnson1963670 Georgia Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
5972081Katrina Antoinette Croom1986151 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
6610550Joel Harvey19574950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
1714306Armand Joseph Lefevre19345324 Ash Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
1715328Vicky Darlene Johnson19545337 Ash Street, Forest park 30297Canceled
2029432Undine Gore Luncheon19485225 Albert Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
4153097Gloria Jean Brown19555048 Old Dixie Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
4221894Donald Renaldo Whiting Jr.1961766 Linda Way, Forest park 30297Accepted
2673642Sherdina Tara Long19625070 Park Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
12163240Hercilio Hernandez1958339 Duncan Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
2138935Marion Louise Ransby1959540 Granade Drive, Forest park 30297-2218Accepted
2141701William W. Wilkes1936789 South Avenue, Forest park 30297-2749Canceled
4535881Kimmie Thien Vo1970537 Bridge Avenue, Forest park 30297-2232Accepted
5146801Cynthia J. Hall19574950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
6638461Binh Tran Sr.1961708 Pine Ridge Drive, Forest park 30297-4035Accepted
6037172Arlene Davis1979570 Moore Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
7744407Ren Thi Tran19535397 Lee Circle, Forest park 30297-2728Canceled
7794435Kevin Allen Mason1971164 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
7499863George Gregory Butreas Jr.19905432 Alder Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
8524464Lisa Venice Irving1966597 Favor Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
8350200Mark Edward Paul Sr.1961864 Laurel Street, Forest park 30297-3932Canceled
8668510Lisa T. Huynh19935140 Woodland Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
10556708Trong Thi Vo1959766 Alice Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
6722047Daniel Wesley Horne Jr.19875030 Old Dixie Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
6303067Shirley Jean Brassell1955644 Virginia Circle, Forest park 30297Canceled
6827839Sharon Denise Freeman19585078 Park Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
11079353Raymond Lefearell Robinson19655074 Old Dixie Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
11241586Isaac Scott19394950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
5109626Samuel Lee Hardin IV19755441 Ash Street, Forest park 30297Canceled
7457144Nikkea Damesion Nation19901120 South Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
11932205Alexander Jermaine Tucker Jr.20005159 West Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
1406314Felix Millan Crowder19725226 West Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
3399383Jimmy Smith1958540 Georgia Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
104092Gerald Alan Murphy19455421 Ash Street, Forest park 30297-4006Accepted
1683443Nelson Jerome Kennedy1953872 Mimosa Drive, Forest park 30297-3927Accepted
10204443Omar Emmanuel Perez Castellano1995564 Bridge Avenue, Forest park 30297Canceled
1734379Patricia Lynn Frix1958707 Linda Way, Forest park 30297-2735Accepted
3308964George E. Bass1968507 Georgia Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
4513507Myra Regina Hood19495050 Phillips Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
901984Florine Chavious19364950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
4557941Kenneth A. Passmore19805248 Albert Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
6802645Tri Cao Nguyen19675155 Ellen Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
8165921Rosaella Pope19444950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
11794547Alyssa Michelle Phillips20005256 West Street, Forest park 30297Canceled
10057165Victoria Bich-Hop Vo1995537 Bridge Avenue, Forest park 30297Canceled
8777658Juan Cardozo Vazquez19535219 Albert Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
8668510Lisa T. Huynh19935140 Woodland Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
10240426Moranda Leigh Tate1994109 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
5913147Mawiyah Merriweather Walker1953401 Third Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
10440899Vinoo Khadan1960852 Mimosa Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
10572266Derek Antoine Willis19595255 West Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
10560312Dorothy Ruth Scandrett19395067 Springdale Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
11796440Melody Chris Serrano1990507 Georgia Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
2552173Jwyanza Onaje Sababu19514950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
5916500Juanyego Daitoshette Jones19735439 Lee Circle, Forest park 30297Accepted
10997042John Wesley Presley III19885072 Ash Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
11034847Eric E. Conklin1964975 South Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
7127392Latacher R. Gibson19675074 Old Dixie Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
11473252Bac Van Pham1951617 Virginia Circle, Forest park 30297Canceled
12168696Irina Quintana-Carrion2001548 Pine Ridge Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
10349334Clarence Carlton Vann1961770 Virginia Circle, Forest park 30297Canceled
6249134Scharla Monique Hobbs19865058 Park Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
8836493Nathan Rapier1994744 Glenn Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
10632169Tyler Edward Boozer1994949 Ewing Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
10091140Valera Sarai Rios-Olivares19945070 Sargent Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
10103641Tuong Linh Thi Phan1966508 Watson Ferry Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
1715069Evelyn P. Williams1937528 Bridge Avenue, Forest park 30297-2201Accepted
1714768Jesse Clifford Sims19275230 Linda Place, Forest park 30297-2732Accepted
1734498Shirley Willis Gaither1946674 Virginia Circle, Forest park 30297Accepted
1771054Cleveland David Hall19424950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
1771882Tryphinia McClamy Kennedy1954872 Mimosa Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
3846139Cindy Denise Gordon19771120 South Avenue, Forest park 30297Canceled
3980588Thomas E. Haigler Jr.1940862 Mimosa Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
2615562Patricia Ann Stovall19515074 Old Dixie Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
2372820Annie W. McGhee19505048 Old Dixie Road, Forest park 30297Canceled
4542980Shakira Larae Henry19745172 Springdale Road, Forest park 30297Canceled
4271937Ora Goodman Gibson1952142 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
7976200Amber Marie Alvarez1991586 Bridge Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
7022197Tot Thi Than1956708 Pine Ridge Drive, Forest park 30297-4035Accepted
7107607Vanessa Castro-Ruiz19775051 Maple Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
7474548James Ronald Russell1984888 Pine View Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
10413403Daniel Antonio Nolasco Calderon1977928 Dearing Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
11333893Michael Munyambala Mwembeshi1975104 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
1962429Hattie C. Gallon19424950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
5749002Charles Allen Baker1961906 Dearing Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
11340652Noelia Barajas1999947 Dearing Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
11129489Ella Adeline Graham19454947 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
11339309Stephanie M. Davis1993708 South Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
6628329Dorothy Bell Jones19424950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
1714413James Kellum McFarlin19425291 Sharon Street, Forest park 30297-2751Accepted
1720921Jimmy Doyal Mitchell1947160 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297-2159Accepted
1732172Janice Kay Nix1953114 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297-2152Accepted
1739822Buford Rex Perry1939907 Ewing Drive, Forest park 30297-3923Accepted
1775867Diane Dessens De Leaumont19434947 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297-2142Accepted
2410645Corey Glenn Milhouse19745210 Austin Place, Forest park 30297Accepted
2558969Lynda Joyce Ross1952836 Birch Street, Forest park 30297Canceled
4064460Eric Kimothy Smith1959754 Virginia Circle, Forest park 30297-4077Accepted
5803098Noy Vongsa19781054 Helen Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
4602431Shirley Delores Simpson19634950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
5713989Carletta Renea Johnson19575291 Lyndale Circle, Forest park 30297Accepted
5714149Thinnakhonne Chanthalansy1945568 Watson Ferry Drive, Forest park 30297Rejected
3613451Joyce L. Jackson19675512 Ash Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
7042926Phillip Bernard19515011 Ash Street, Forest park 30297-2331Accepted
7545856Samantha Wilder Hernandez19905327 Sharon Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
11471828Bertha Alicia Moreno19784950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
10048345Tommie Kate Hall1941523 Bridge Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
10350110Shirley Ann Harrison19404947 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
10434796Kimberly Thomas Gray19715134 Whatley Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
10438033Barbara Ann Ferguson19414950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Canceled
8594327Alberto Taveras19405131 Warner Street, Forest park 30297Accepted
10030053Mon'a Seline Lackey1991507 Georgia Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
10713399Sherron Monique Gordon1972780 South Avenue, Forest park 30297Canceled
10706018Reginald E. Jones19604950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
10900766Nicole Ilonzo19884950 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
3594077Rufus Weems19384947 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
10941374Chrishna Zoroster Thelwell19755211 Albert Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
11429728Nicole Michelle McClendon19745253 Brookdale Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
7208146Beverly Jones Searcy19444947 Governors Drive, Forest park 30297Accepted
3844157Westria Arnold Arnold19785055 Springdale Road, Forest park 30297Accepted
7012410Melanie Lorraine Maxwell19775050 Park Avenue, Forest park 30297Canceled
11115117Gisela Belmontes Soto1988537 Georgia Avenue, Forest park 30297Accepted
5109626Samuel Lee Hardin IV19755441 Ash Street, Forest park 30297Canceled
7537260Jarvis Arnette Cox1989368 Lee Street, Forest park 30297Accepted


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